How long have I been on twitter? Maybe about 2 years. My personal account has about 300 followers, My gamer account has close to 500 and my “adult” twitter account has over 1,000 followers. You would think a blogger like me should have more followers but it turns out I don’t do the cheap tricks many people are doing. Here are 3 of them I see a lot of.
1) #teamfollowback – Hash tags is a way for you to see what other people say about a certain topic. For example lets say I am talking about the TV show “True Blood”. I would use the hash tag #trueblood in a tweet like “I’m waiting for #trueblood to start, I love this show so much” then after that other people who are talking about the same subject can find my tweet and maybe even follow me since we both have something in common. Now that you know what hash tags are you should also know that some people also use it to find other people who are in need of new followers. Its pretty lame but it most causes it does work to get you a couple of new followers. I seen 1 person get 20,000 followers just by tweeting #ifollowback and #teamfollowback all day. It works (kind of) but keep in mind of the types of people who are following you. Those people tend to not care about what you tweet, they just want more followers either for bragging rights or for spam. Be careful.
2) Re-tweet spam – I think everyone on twitter has that one person who retweets more then actually writes out their own tweets. Its a great way to share information or media but its annoying when someone does it TOO much. As a blogger I love it when my followers retweet my links. It benefits me greatly lets put it this way, If you retweet more then 30 times a day then most likely you are annoying and some what unoriginal. Re-tweeting will get you a couple of more following cause of all the attention you are getting but have some consideration for other people’s timeline.
banned or suspended.3) Mass following – This is a technique I actually used before. Its effective but has its down side. The way mass following works is basically you follow hundreds of people and hope that at least half of them follow you back. There are 2 down sides to this. The first is you might end up following people who don’t like and the second is you will put your twitter account at risk of getting banned. Yep, thats right. Twitter’s rules state that mass following is a form of spam and it will get your account
Don’t get me wrong, I still love twitter and its service but you gotta admit that its some what like highschool where you need to do some tricks to get popular fast. Anyway thats life, gotta take the good with the bad.